MENU at cooking class


You can choose two types of japanese food set in this class.

①Gyoza, Maki sushi, Japanese omelette from Scratch! 

This is traditional local food in japan.
Gyoza is a Japanese dumpling made by wrapping meat, cabbage, leek, etc. in a skin made of thin flour.
First, We’re going to make a skin.Second,to make inside.

◎巻き寿司:Maki-zushi (rolled sushi)
Maki-zushi is a type of sushi whose ingredients are rolled in a sheet of nori (dried seaweed) into the shape of a tube.
Inside are variety ingredients(low tuna,avocado,egg,cucumber,etc.)
Japanese like it so much!!

◎味噌汁:Miso soup
We have miso soup every day.
Ingredients include seaweed, green onion, and miso.
First, we’re going to make dashi soup.
Second, cut ingredients and putting miso.

◎卵焼き:Tamagoyaki(japanese omelette)
Tamgoyaki is japanese rolled omelette is a classic dish for everyday meals and bento boxes.
There are two types of Japanese rolled omelette. One of them is with simple seasonings with the sweetness added. Other one is flavored with broth.
In our class we are going to make first one.

②Udon, Tempura from Scratch!

◎うどん:Udon is a type of thick wheat flour noodle. It is similar to Italian pasta, but much thicker. It has been eaten all over Japan as an easy-to-eat popular meal, and a substitute meal for rice dishes.

◎天ぷら:Tempura is consisting of seafood or vegetables that have been battered and deep fried. Tempura is a typical home-style cooking in Japan.

◎出汁:Dashi or Umami soup is a traditional Japanese seasoning which is made from bonito or/and konbu kelp.


MANA Home Made Cooking In Japan
